Well Services

Well Services

We have a certified Well Technician on staff and we are licensed by the Ontario Ground Water Association to service your well! We offer well pump solutions, water testing & treatment, line replacements and more. We’re passionate about clean drinking water, your health depends on it. Whether you have a drilled well, dug well or a cistern, or even a municipal supply we’ve got your back! Give us a call to have your drinking water tested.

Water Testing 

Safe drinking water is crucial for good health. If you’re on a well, cistern, or even a municipal water supply, it’s a good idea to know what’s in your water. The human body consists of about 70% water and all of our organs rely on it to remain healthy and functional. Knowing you’re putting good quality water into your body is the first step to better health. We can take water samples and send them away to be analyzed to see what contaminants (if any) you’re dealing with. We’ll help you understand the results and walk you through any potential implications. If contaminants are found, don’t worry, there’s always a solution! See our Water Treatment section for more info!

Water Treatment 

All sorts of contaminants can be found in drinking water due to various causes. Even municipal water that has already been treated could contain various contaminants or pose a risk due to old infrastructure made of lead and other toxic metals.

After completing an analysis of your water, we can recommend the best treatment options (if any are required) to ensure you and your family are drinking good clean water. From basic carbon filters to whole house Reverse Osmosis systems and water softening, we can do it all! When’s the last time you had your water tested? Call us today for a free estimate!


Almost every dwelling or building employs the use of a pump of some kind. Many rural homes make use of several pumps. There are well pumps, effluent pumps, sewage pumps, grinder pumps and sump pumps, to name a few. No matter which pump you’re dealing with, Universal Plumbing & Sewer Services is here to help! We have technicians with expert knowledge of how pumps work as well as hydraulic load, capacity limits and pipe slope to ensure your system is functioning properly and efficiently.

We want to ensure the longevity of your pump(s) and can service all makes and models. Sometimes it can be repaired and sometimes it might need to be replaced, but no matter what the issue, we’ve got your back! Don’t forget to ask us about the wide range of float alarms, including Wi-Fi enabled, so that you can monitor the status of your pump systems from wherever you are.

The Clean Drinking Water Project 

If it’s not obvious from reading this page, at Universal Plumbing & Sewer Services, we’re passionate about clean drinking water! That’s why we’ve started the Clean Drinking Water Project. We’re taking it upon ourselves to improve the quality of drinking water for everyone, by studying the best practices for treating water from around the globe, educating the public, and continuously lobbying for updated infrastructure. On every job, no matter how big or small, we pay close attention to the systems that carry our drinking water and alert the proper channels when we find anything that needs improvement or updating.

From Cross Connection Control to just being a good neighbour, we’re committed to continuously improving our drinking water and ensuring it remains safe. Check back regularly for updates about The Clean Drinking Water Project and additional information regarding drinking water, wells, and more!

Service Areas

At Universal Plumbing & Sewer Services, we understand the unique needs of each community, that’s why we serve a large area within a 100 km radius of Kingston.







Sharbot Lake





Seeley's Bay








Prince Edward County


Top-Quality Sewer Services for Your Home or Business

At Universal Plumbing & Sewer Services, we take pride in delivering top-quality sewer services to our clients. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, our team has the expertise and equipment to handle any sewer problem. You can trust us to keep your home or business running smoothly with safe, transparent, and efficient sewer services.

Let us dig deep to solve all of your excavation problems! From excavation to emergency repairs: Universal Plumbing & Sewer Services has you covered.

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